Friday, July 14, 2006

new kitchen!

i spent the day yesterday taking off the doors and painting our cupboards white. what an improvement. now we just have to hope the landlord doesn't have a fit when we move! :)

and may i present stella,
the newest addition to our family!

A day at the races

we went to Arlington for the day last weekend.. only placed a few bets but no big winners that day. we had more fun in the barn then at the track! such beauties! It was Tony's first up close and personal experience with the horses, and they got along splendidly.

more mexico pics

some more pictures from the retreat.. mmm so much good yoga

Thursday, June 15, 2006

my goddess card

"Aine : celtic goddess. queen of the fairies protector of women, cows and crops "
well, that's not much to live up to! geez.
my friend Ali gave me this card as a gift. i do always talk about taking risks and living life to its fullest potential..

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

our new chariot

well, really Tony's new chariot,as he's the one who needs it to go to work. i'm just a happy participant... I'm not allowed to drive it yet because the Illinois insurance doesn't consider my ontario license valid (!). drat! which means i have to take a drivers exam to get an illinois license (double drat!) .. does that mean i officially live here? :)
we looked at hybrids and investigated diesel vws (they aren't out here yet) but this saab was the best value for our buck. it gets good mileage and by the time we trade it in the hybrids will be rockin and affordable (i hope!). or a biodeisel car!! yes please.
for now i'm lovin our saab and gonna start taking some roadtrips!!!

in case you missed out on the pictures from the trip.. hit the title link

Pictures mexico trip

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Originally uploaded by ainerock.

late night find in Vegas...the bartender says just mix and shake!! GROSS!

tulum sky

cloudy but still soo beautiful! A few days of rain and some wild storms ..


stylin the hats
Originally uploaded by ainerock.
the yoga retreat was so beautiful..! mother nature gave us a taste of the dark sky and storms but the sun finally came out! its hot but the wind from the ocean is constant and lovely. we moved, we chanted, we ate, we rested... !bliss !..


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

vegas wedding (not ours!)

vegas wedding (not ours!)
Originally uploaded by ainerock.
what a town!!


flashed in tux and dress..
flashed in tux and dress..,
originally uploaded by ainerock.

Friday, May 12, 2006

some pics of our home as it finally seems to be coming together...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

chillin at home

a night at home with T.. enjoying the view..

The new pad!

Well, we finally did it! Tony and I moved into our beautiful new apartment. A one bedroom feels extravagant after 8 months sharing a studio!
I'm just happy its ours..